X-Acto Guillotine Paper Trimmer
This 24” x 24” paper trimmer can cut 10-20 sheets of copy paper at a time. Features a measurement grid and self-sharpening blade for quick and accurate cutting.

Rotary Blades
Rotary Blades can be used to cut a variety of material from delicate crepe paper to thick fabrics like leather and denim. It consists of a handle and a sharp, circular rotating blade.

X-Acto Knife Sets
Featuring three knives and ten interchangeable blades, these knife sets enable the user to cut many different materials including paper, cardboard, and vinyl. Includes a #1 precision handle, #2 trimming handle, and #5 cutting handles with a variety of blades in a soft compression case. For use with a self-healing cutting mat.

Self-Healing Cutting Mats
Several 18” x 24” self-healing mats are available for cutting with X-Acto knives or rotary blades. Grid markings and diagonal lines allow for precise alignment.